AI Use Cases That You May Not Heard of
Artificial intelligence (AI) has come a long way in recent years, with applications spanning numerous industries and domains. While many of us are familiar with AI’s use in areas like virtual assistants, self-driving cars, and medical diagnosis, there are some...
Studio – Setting up a WordPress site in 3 minutes
Since its humble beginnings as a blogging software, WordPress has evolved into the undisputed champion of content management systems (CMS). CMS % All Websites % CMS Market WordPress 42.7 62.5 Joomla 1.8 2.6 Drupal 1.1 1.6 Squarespace 2.1 3.0 Wix...
How To Host Web App For Free In 2024
When it comes to managing our clients’ domain names, Cloudflare has become our go-to DNS solution. Its reliability, instantaneous DNS updates, and robust DDoS protection make it a cornerstone of our operations, all while being free of charge. However, Cloudflare’s...
WordPress vs. Sitefinity: Choosing the Right Platform for Your Website
Building a website can be exciting, but choosing the right platform can feel like picking a needle in a haystack. Two popular options, WordPress and Sitefinity, dominate the content management system (CMS) landscape, but each caters to different needs. So,...
Finding Your Software Soulmate: A Guide to Choosing the Right Development Partner
Let’s face it, choosing the right software development partner can feel like navigating a jungle gym blindfolded. Freelancers, agencies, in-house teams – options abound, each promising the perfect solution. But with so many paths leading into the unknown, how do...
作者背景: 因为在IT行业的缘故,我第一次接触比特币(Bitcoin)大概是在2010~2011年左右,当时1个Bitcoin价格大概低于USD1。 当时觉得新奇好玩,也曾近做过miner,因为只需要开着电脑就能赚Bitcoin。 但是很快就厌倦了,因为对于此技术似懂非懂,在本地(马来西亚),当时Bitcoin也无用武之处,很快的就把整个Bitcoin抛诸脑后。 一直到近一两年,Bitcoin已经无人不晓,但大部分人都抱着观看、怀疑的态度。相信Bitcoin的人却非常狂热的把钱投进Bitcoin及Altcoin里。 其实作者是倾向于前者的,但是Blockhain贵为能够改变世界的新技术,身为科技人的我们一定要搞清楚这门技术。于是在网上看了很多资料,但是现有的资料大多都是以投资(投机)赚钱,而且以英文为主,有些技术名称甚至IT人都不明白,何况是普通人。 所以作者决定在Research同时,把资料记录下来,同时以比较擅长的中文来写,希望更多的人可以了解。 首先,大家要先来认识专用名词 Blockchain – 区块链 Cryptocurrency – 加密货币/电子货币 Bitcoin – 比特币 Ethereum – 以台币 Altcoin – 比特币以外的币(coin),统称Altcoin (Alternative Coin) ICO – Initial Coin Offering – 首次募货币,类似公司上市IPO Mining – 挖矿,实际上是一种电脑程式算法,以确保没有人可以作弊 Proof of Work – 工作量证明...
Laratalks #7 – All about A.I.
When comes to Artificial Intelligence, PHP programming language would never cross most programmer’s mind. So happen there is a PHP community called Laravens. They were founded around 6 months ago and organize monthly gathering called Laratalks. Each time they will...
Force kill a service and restart it with powershell in a batch script
Just replace the TermService and ‘Remote Desktop Services’ with the service name you wish to force kill and restart it. [shell] FOR /F “tokens=3” %%A IN (‘sc queryex TermService ^| findstr PID’) DO (SET pid=%%A) taskkill /F /PID %pid% sleep...
The Best Villa 2016 Award
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce tristique justo quis posuere efficitur. Sed et velit fermentum, varius augue eget, tempor odio. Aliquam urna tellus, gravida non vulputate non, fringilla ac mi. Aliquam malesuada blandit pretium. Mauris gravida odio...
Autumn Event
The best way to get ready for the upcoming season is to celebrate with us at our Autumn Event. We have prepared seasonal offerings and live band.