Force kill a service and restart it with powershell in a batch script
Just replace the TermService and ‘Remote Desktop Services’ with the service name you wish to force kill and restart it. [shell] FOR /F “tokens=3” %%A IN (‘sc queryex TermService ^| findstr PID’) DO (SET pid=%%A) taskkill /F /PID %pid% sleep...
Autumn Event
The best way to get ready for the upcoming season is to celebrate with us at our Autumn Event. We have prepared seasonal offerings and live band.
Drinks overhaul
It was time for a change in our drink offerings. We are happy to announce that from now on you will be able to choose from more than 70 beverages.
Grill Party
We would like to welcome all to join us for a weekend barbecue party with plenty of food to go around.
Key to proper olympic lifts
Weightlifting, also called Olympic-style weightlifting, or Olympic weightlifting, is an athletic discipline in the modern Olympic programme in which the athlete attempts a maximum-weight single lift of a barbell loaded with weight plates. The two competition lifts in order are...
Hello world!
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Hyper-V clone to multiple new VM
With the Hyper-V GUI manager, its just too headache to copy a freshly installed OS to multiple new VM, especially while testing clustering software like DRBD or Ceph. Here’s a quick powershell script to copy a Centos7 source VM into...
Enable HTTPS on wordpress + Fix the Mix Content HTTPS alert
Google Chrome is going to show the Non-Secure alert for all Non-HTTPS sites, after hitting a few bad reference, we have finalize the following works fine: Use Let’sEncrypt to generate yourself a valid SSL, or just use CloudFlare’s FlexiSSL Make...
Blacknurse DoS attack on Cisco ASA
Cisco ASA config: Outside: Inside: How to attack it: 1. Get a ubuntu or any Linux server, install hping3 (apt-get install hping3) 2. attack it: hping3 -1 -C 3 -K 3 -i u20 Monitoring from Cisco ASA...
Free malicious script scanner – AI-Bolit
It’s been a common issue for PHP sites especially unpatched CMS like WordPress / Magento becoming a victim of web defacement, where hackers have uploaded malicious codes into the application, hidden in the PHP / CSS / JS / HTML...